Gutter and Eavestrough

12 Top Calgary Gutter and Eavestrough Tips to Know

Heavy rains like Calgary frequently experiences make eavestroughs an essential part of any home. Help keep yours in good condition with these top Calgary eavestrough and gutter tips.

Calgary Eavestrough and Gutter Tips

Keep your Calgary eavestrough system working well with these tips:

1. If your eavestrough is not equipped to handle Calgary’s crazy weather, it can cause a number of problems. Remove leaves and debris that clog eavestroughs and downspouts during eavestrough cleaning.

2. Check for and replace loose spikes; they should go through the eavestrough, the fascia board, and into the rafter.

3. Look for holes, cracks, and other leaks and repair them with fresh caulking.

4. Install leaf guards to protect gutters from debris and reduce the need for eavestrough cleaning.

5. Hire professionals to install eavestroughs to prevent problems later on from faulty or improper installation.

6. Trim overhanging branches to help protect your eavestroughs from falling leaves and small rodents.

7. Use a splash block by downspouts to keep the water from digging a trench as it comes off the roof.

8. Rusting gutters are a sign of old age. If you see multiple patches of rust, you might want to invest in new gutters.

9. Pooling water and overflows can cause problems for your landscape. Avoid wasting money on trying to fix the water damage and purchase the correct size gutters for your home.

10. Seek professional realignment if your gutter system isn’t pitched properly.

11. Replace eavestroughs that show signs of wear like sagging, leaning, or bending.

12. Check for loose rivets on the downspouts and secure them with a rivet gun.

Eavestrough Services Help Keep Your System in Good Condition

Maintaining an eavestrough system is challenging at times. If you feel unsure about any part of the process or don’t have time to deal with it yourself, contact a professional company for eavestrough services. They can handle everything from cleaning and routine maintenance to realignment and replacement.

Use these tips and professional eavestrough services to keep your gutter system functioning properly no matter what the Calgary weather throws at them.

Property owners need to call for the services of a professional eavestrough company. If your home needs eavestrough repair, installation or maintenance, contact the professionals at Alpine Eavestrough. We’d love to hear from you.

Phone:  403-242-7868
